K-means exploration

With the 2020 MineRL competition, we introduced vectorized obfuscated environments which abstract non-visual state information as well as the action space of the agent to be continuous vector spaces. See MineRLObtainDiamondVectorObf-v0 for documentation on the evaluation environment for that competition.

To use techniques in the MineRL competition that require discrete actions, we can use k-means to quantize the human demonstrations and give our agent n discrete actions representative of actions taken by humans when solving the environment.

To get started, let’s download the MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0 environment.

python -m minerl.data.download 'MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0'


If you are unable to download the data ensure you have the MINERL_DATA_ROOT env variable set as demonstrated in data sampling.

Now we load the dataset for MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0 and find 32 clusters using sklearn learn

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

dat = minerl.data.make('MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0')

# Load the dataset storing 1000 batches of actions
act_vectors = []
for _, act, _, _,_ in tqdm.tqdm(dat.batch_iter(16, 32, 2, preload_buffer_size=20)):
    if len(act_vectors) > 1000:

# Reshape these the action batches
acts = np.concatenate(act_vectors).reshape(-1, 64)
kmeans_acts = acts[:100000]

# Use sklearn to cluster the demonstrated actions
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=32, random_state=0).fit(kmeans_acts)

Now we have 32 actions that represent reasonable actions for our agent to take. Let’s take these and improve our random hello world agent from before.

i, net_reward, done, env = 0, 0, False, gym.make('MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0')
obs = env.reset()

while not done:
    # Let's use a frame skip of 4 (could you do better than a hard-coded frame skip?)
    if i % 4 == 0:
        action = {
            'vector': kmeans.cluster_centers_[np.random.choice(NUM_CLUSTERS)]

    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

    if reward > 0:
        print("+{} reward!".format(reward))
    net_reward += reward
    i += 1

print("Total reward: ", net_reward)

Putting this all together we get:

Full snippet

import gym
import tqdm
import minerl
import numpy as np

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

dat = minerl.data.make('MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0')

act_vectors = []

# Load the dataset storing 1000 batches of actions
for _, act, _, _, _ in tqdm.tqdm(dat.batch_iter(16, 32, 2, preload_buffer_size=20)):
    if len(act_vectors) > 1000:

# Reshape these the action batches
acts = np.concatenate(act_vectors).reshape(-1, 64)
kmeans_acts = acts[:100000]

# Use sklearn to cluster the demonstrated actions
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=NUM_CLUSTERS, random_state=0).fit(kmeans_acts)

i, net_reward, done, env = 0, 0, False, gym.make('MineRLTreechopVectorObf-v0')
obs = env.reset()

while not done:
    # Let's use a frame skip of 4 (could you do better than a hard-coded frame skip?)
    if i % 4 == 0:
        action = {
            'vector': kmeans.cluster_centers_[np.random.choice(NUM_CLUSTERS)]

    obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

    if reward > 0:
        print("+{} reward!".format(reward))
    net_reward += reward
    i += 1

print("Total reward: ", net_reward)

Try comparing this k-means random agent with a random agent using env.action_space.sample()! You should see the human actions are a much more reasonable way to explore the environment!